It's December 1st!

Happy December 1st! I love this time of year so much! For this post I decided to share with you some of my Christmas decorations since we just put them up after Thanksgiving. The first picture includes my paper village which is very special to me. That's because my Grandfather had gotten it for me and now whenever I look at it, it makes me smile and think about him. It's one of my favorite things in the living room because it's so pretty and makes the room feel extra cozy! The other two pictures actually just happened randomly. I was in my dining room and noticed that there was a pretty cool perspective looking through the mirror, into the living room, featuring the Christmas tree. I grabbed my camera and took some pictures of it. Now, I couldn't decide on which one to include in this blog post because I like both versions. Which one do you like better? The blurred out Christmas tree or the focused version? Let me know because I can't decide!

That's it for this post! Thanks for reading!


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